5 Ways to Deal with Trauma Triggers

Image of a woman of color looking upwards and smiling. Representing someone who met with a San Francisco trauma therapist to overcome her trauma triggers. Which is something you can achieve in therapy for racial trauma in the bay area.

When we go through something traumatic, our brain stores the image of what we see, the feelings we had at the time, the body sensations & negative beliefs that took place. The effect of these experiences are stored in our brains and are triggered when any experience that is similar in some way comes along (even when we don't realize it).

Trauma triggers can happen soon or long after the original event took place, making us feel “highjacked” because we suddenly feel uncontrollably angry or sad, or all of sudden need to run away or shut down. It seems like it's out of nowhere, but it's actually the impact of trauma. 

Tips for Handling Trauma Triggers From A Trauma Therapist in Walnut Creek, CA

Just as the brain is impacted by trauma, it can also heal from trauma. There are steps you can take to help navigate your trauma triggers.

1) Get to Know What Your Trauma Triggers Are

Trauma Triggers can be anything from certain smells, sounds, or sights that remind you of a traumatic event. Other trauma triggers may not be as straightforward to pinpoint, like a feeling of shame or a sense of rejection. You know a trigger is happening when your response does not seem proportionate to the event itself (ie. being bummed vs totally melting down after not getting the job offer you wanted.)  It's important to learn what your trauma triggers are and how they affect you so you can be better prepared when they occur.  You might want to keep a journal of when and where your triggers happen, the thoughts and feelings that come up, and the things that help make you feel better.

Image of a woman of color in a yellow shirt looking at the camera. Representing someone who could benefit from trauma therapy in Walnut Creek. Where a trauma therapist can help address trauma triggers.

2) Breathe Deeply & Slow it Down

Yes, we naturally breathe on our own, but intentionally breathing has definite benefits. Taking deep long breaths can help reset our system, and bring more clarity to thoughts and feelings. Try this: Inhale for 4 slow seconds, hold the breath for 4 slow seconds, exhale for 4 slow seconds, and hold for 4 slow seconds. Repeat as many times as you’d like until you feel more grounded and clear about the situation that has triggered you.

3) Guided Meditation

Meditation can help calm your mind and body and give you perspective on what is happening. In addition, meditation can help reduce overall stress, increase concentration & attention span, and improve sleep. Because the effects of meditation are also cumulative (the more often you do it, the greater impact you’ll see) it may be helpful to create a meditation practice that only takes five minutes per day.  Many people find guided meditations from youtube, or apps like Headspace and Calm helpful as they guide you in how and where to place your attention. Which will help your mind focus and your body calm down when faced with trauma triggers.

4) Be Gentle with Yourself & Affirm Your Humanness

When faced with trauma triggers, it can be hard to not go into negative thoughts about ourselves. When a triggering situation occurs, it is important to remember that it is not your fault, it is how your brain is responding to previous trauma. Berating yourself in general for feelings and trauma triggers, only makes it more difficult to deal with. Try this instead: Write down or say out loud affirmations such as, “I’m doing the best I can” or “I’m worthy of love, despite what has happened to me.” Adding the breathing mentioned above for added effect!

5) Connect with Someone Understanding

Image of a woman getting a hug from someone understanding. Showing the importance of getting support from a San Francisco trauma therapist. In therapy for racial trauma in the bay area you can address your trauma triggers in Oakland, CA.

Trauma often makes us feel like we are alone or that something is wrong with us, and the impacts of trauma may cause us to isolate even more. Actively connecting with others (who have a positive impact on our mental health) can help us not feel alone.  It can be helpful to call a friend or family member who will listen and care about what you are going through. If your trauma triggers keep you from functioning in your everyday life, connecting with a trauma therapist or counselor who is experienced in trauma recovery, and trained in EMDR therapy can help. 


You are not alone in this and there are ways to get through it! It will take time, but it’s worth it in the end. You deserve happiness and good mental health; don’t give up on yourself. If you’d like to explore your options for trauma therapy Empowered Mind Therapy can help. Connect with us here for a free consultation.

Get Support for your Trauma Triggers in Trauma Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area

What should you do if you think you need trauma therapy in the San Francisco bay area? Or online in California?

There are options that can help you recover from the traumatic event you went through. Whether you are in Walnut Creek, Oakland, San Francisco, or anywhere else in California our trauma therapist can help you identify your trauma triggers. Then together we will help you develop a plan for when you are faced with them. If you're interested in starting counseling at Empowered Mind Therapy follow these steps:

  1. Get in touch with our Client Care Coordinator at 925-257-0205 or book your free consultation

  2. Start working with a Trauma therapist

  3. Get started on your healing journey and finally feel better.

Other Counseling Services We Offer in the San Francisco Bay Area & Throughout California

While EMDR therapy is a highly recommended form of counseling that we offer for trauma, we also offer a variety of counseling services for women of color. This includes relief and support for anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. Our caring therapists also offer Brainspotting. All of these services are available in person at our Walnut Creek, CA-based therapy practice or online throughout California.


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